Updated May 4, 2020

Thank you for taking time to see what
good things God is doing in our ministry! Whether
you are first time visitor or already a
beloved friend, we pray
that our site is a blessing to your life.
It is the
fervent desire of this ministry to be used by God in reaching lost and dying
souls for the Kingdom of Heaven and to encourage the body of Christ to a closer
walk with God. Bro. Ferree has dedicated the past 45 years of his life to ministering the gospel of
Jesus Christ across the United States and in several foreign countries. He
preaches a message of deliverance, salvation, and
hope to those bound by a life of sin and desperation.
check in with us often to get updates on Bro. Ferree's schedule, read what God
is doing in recent meetings, and catch new postings on our bulletin board. If
you are a new friend, please check out Bro. Ferree's testimony, learn more about
his tent ministry, or sign up to receive a notice in the mail whenever Bro.
Ferree is in your area.
May God
richly bless you today!
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